Grocers List

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Introducing Grocers List for Recipe Creators.

Over the last 15 years, technology has reshaped entrepreneurship in almost every industry. Shopify empowers commerce focused founders. Toast jumpstarts restauranteurs. Boulevard is there for salon owners. The list goes on.

In that same time, the food blogging industry has absolutely exploded. From mass market recipe creators like Half Baked Harvest, to more niche creators who publish recipes around specific lifestyles like Lexi’s Clean Kitchen, the recipe economy has truly exploded.

It used to be that friends and family would ask you “hey - how’s that little food blog coming along” but now you’re doing hundreds of thousands in revenue, or more. You have built a high intent, loyal audience. You’ve sold thousands of cookbooks. You’ve closed massive brand partnerships. It’s been amazing to watch, and kudos to you.

Interestingly enough, there is no software platform fully focused on the needs and workflows of recipe creators. Today, you’re piecing together generic tools to schedule posts, drive clicks, send emails, build reports for partners, and run ads on your website. You’re paying full price for software tools that were not built for you, and you’re using a fraction of the features to make the recipe use case work.

You’re stuck “submitting a ticket” to faceless support, and the computer on the other end doesn’t know the difference between instacart and instagram.

Let’s change all of that. Right now.

Today we’re launching the grocers list platform. Our vision is to become the one stop shop for recipe creators to grow, engage and monetize their audience. We’re building the tools, and we’ll provide the 1:1 support and education you need on how to grow your recipe empire.

We’ll provide free and paid tools that work for the new influencer, all the way up to big names with millions of followers.

We’ll work to understand your needs and problems, and build just for this industry.

The first product we’re launching is called Comment for Recipe.

For a number of reasons, instagram doesn’t support clickable links in posts in the feed. It’s been that way forever. There are tools that recipe creators have adopted that let you setup keywords, and encourage your followers to comment that keyword, after which you send an automated Direct Message (DM) with the link to the blog post.

But these products are expensive, clunky, and weren’t focused on the recipe specific use cases. They don’t take into consideration the gorgeous creative you invest so much in. They’re focused on the “automation”, not the “food”. And we all know that everyone eats with their eyes.

Which do you think your followers prefer?

Other tools price this product based on volume of contacts. That might make sense for a brand thats selling an ecommerce product, but not for the recipe publisher. We believe comment for recipe needs to be free, or flat priced if you need the power features. So we’re offering two versions to make this work for any recipe creator.

The other powerful thing that happens when using Comment for Recipe is that the number of comments on your posts skyrockets. Instagram loves that, partners love that, and so does the algorithm. Encouraging followers to comment specific keywords is a great, easy way to grow engagement on instagram.

More coming soon.

But we’re not stopping here, we know that growing an email list is a critical component to a healthy recipe business. So comment for recipe includes the ability to capture more follower emails, directly from inside instagram. Remember that social algorithms change all the time, so unfortunately you don’t really own your instagram followers. But you do own an email list. So using grocers list, you can start letting followers who comment for the recipe, “save the recipe to email”, and capture their email address in a compliant way.

Our first product not only helps you drive more recipe traffic from instagram, but also grow your email list.

Our vision.

We want to be the brand that powers your recipe empire. We have a big vision on what we’re building next, and we’re pumped to share it with you. But baby steps first. Give our free plan a try, or set up a time to chat with us live. We’d love to help.

Start growing your recipe empire today. Here’s how it works:

  1. Connect Grocer’s List to your Instagram account, for free.

  2. Explore our different campaign offerings, like Comment for Recipe.

  3. Start driving more traffic to your recipe posts directly from instagram, on our free plan.

  4. Let followers “save the recipe to email” and grow your email list

  5. Make more money!

Or book a time to chat with us and learn more:

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