Increase comment volume, drive more website traffic, and capture more follower emails just by asking your audience to comment a specific keyword on your next recipe post.

Comment for Recipe.

Follower Comments

Setup keywords, then ask your followers to comment that keyword in order to get a clickable link to your recipe post. Watch comment volumes skyrocket!

Write up a few replies in your brand tone, and we’ll automatically cycle through them as new comments come in. 

Comment Replies

Recipe DMs

We’ll grab the recipe image, and automate a beautiful looking DM to followers who comment your keywords. Capture the website visit and even an email address by letting the follower save this recipe to their email.

Without ever leaving the DM, offer followers the ability to input their email address and join email list. Turn a simple recipe link automation into a list growth machine. Remember, your email list as an asset that you own!

Grow Your Email List

Launch Comment for Recipe before tomorrow’s recipe post goes live.