Announcing Post-Specific Customizations

The last 3 months have been super exciting for us at grocers list. We’ve launched for some of the biggest food creators in the space, helping both small and large creators increase comments, and drive more website traffic through our comment for recipe product.

We pride ourselves in building tools that are specific to the food industry.

We think that with that specific focus, we can create better experiences for you and your followers.

Here’s an example of the grocers list DM automation, specific to recipes, compared to the industry standard:

Super visual, automatically bringing in the cover image from your recipe reel, and delivering that as a DM to anyone who comments the keyword on your post.

Today we’re launching additional features that help you customize the DM experience for specific posts. Here’s a preview:

Let’s walk through the post-specific customization features launching today.

Add a post-specific, custom message to the DM.

Under the ‘advanced’ tab in your account, you can now edit post settings to include certain customizations. One of our top requests from customers was the ability to add their own text into the message.

“Here’s the recipe my nana used to make”

“You’re going to love these tacos”

“Baking sheet beef taco recipe”

Lots of different ways to use this. And yes, emojis are fair game!

Customize the button text in the DM.

In the post-specific editing section, you’ll also be able to change up what the recipe button actually says. Have fun with it and drive the click.

And again, yes emojis will work here.

Add up to two more buttons to the DM.

Last but certainly not least, you can now add up to two more buttons into a specific posts DMs. This is perfect for adding an amazon affiliate link, or a secondary but related recipe on your site, or to join your newsletter, or shop the recipe.

So much you can do with adding multiple links into the DMs.

We’re excited to see how creative you get with these new customizations. Have fun with it.

Which plan is this on?

Post-specific customizations are available on all paid plans.

Want to start using Comment for Recipe?

If you’re looking to start using keywords, and comment for recipe, we’d love to help. You can start on the free grocerslist plan, which includes comment for recipe out of the box!


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