Grocers List

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Turn Instagram recipes into shoppable ingredient lists.

It all begins with an idea.

My wife and I love to cook. We believe in the health and relationship benefits of cooking at home, and eating at the table.

So week after week when we drew blanks on what meals we wanted to cook, and the subsequent grocery store list, we kind of laughed out loud.

Because we constantly scroll instagram, and tag each other, or DM each other, or bookmark recipe posts we want to cook.

Instagram inspires us, but we very rarely end up cooking those recipes.


Well, its impossible to connect the ingredients from the recipes, to our shopping list.

Think about it. Look for the “link in bio”, scroll through the life story before finding the recipe, and then what? Take a pen and paper and jot down the ingredient list? Print it out? Pull up a second device and enter them one by one into instacart?

No thanks.

So thats where the idea for Grocers List came to be. A free service that you tag in the comment of instagram recipes you like, and we turn those into organized, shoppable ingredient lists. We’ll send you the list by email, and you can bring it to the market on your phone, or click the button in the email to instantly push those ingredients into your instacart account.

Like magic, you’ll be cooking the recipe posts you love. And it’s free.

Here’s how it works:

We’re working with our users to learn about new features, and we’re launching new features quickly. New checkout options in addition to instacart, quantity and diet preferences, and more.

Give it a shot (It’s free) and let us know if you have any feedback.